The Concept-Therapy course explains the part concepts play and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage.
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Phase 2 allows us to recognize the deeply buried concepts which have separated us from the good of life and to free our power of self-awareness.
This class is a more relaxed version of Phase One, providing ample time for contemplation, practice, and test preparation. The student will be immersed in this 5.5 day experience.
Suggestive Therapy is a course that, if understood and applied, would be beneficial to everyone. All of us act and react daily according to suggestions, whether given to us in the moment or impressed upon our mind at some time in our past.
Phase 1 deals primarily with the subconscious mind. It outlines methods students can use to direct the principles of concentration and suggestion.
Phase 4 presents the basic principles and guidelines for you to advance from a selfish, materially-oriented existence to an understanding of, and lawful service to, the ONE LIFE.
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